Managing Patient Ledger

Updated Recently

The patient ledger provides a detailed and comprehensive record of all financial transactions related to a patient. To view the patient ledger, follow the instructions below:

  • Go to: Chevron Menu (<<) → Billing → Patient Ledger.
  • Use the search field to find patients.
Search Record
Record Details

The ledger will display the responsible party (patient name) along with the following categories: 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, 91-120 days, 121+ days, and the total amount due.

The appointment fee for the last 30 days will be listed under 0-30 days.

Ledger Data

Clicking on the amount under 0-30 days will provide a detailed view of all appointments that occurred in the last 30 days, including the following information:

  • Appointment scheduled date and time
  • Payer and service code
  • Billed amount
  • Insurance paid amount
  • Adjustments made
  • Amount paid by the patient
  • Balance amount

Similarly, clicking on the amount under 31-60 days will show a detailed view of all appointments that occurred in the last 31-60 days.

Viewing the patient ledger allows healthcare providers to track and manage a patient's payments.

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