Setting Provider Availability

Arbaz Siddiqui (Sid)
Updated Recently

To schedule an appointment, you must set the provider availability, which is their “In Office” timing for the day. Or else, you won't be able to schedule an appointment.

To set provider availability, go to “Chevron Menu (<<)”< /div>
Click on Schedule Provider Availability.
create appoinment
Add Provider Availability
  • You will be redirected to the provider availability page.
  • Click the “Add Provider Availability” Button in the right top corner. A pop-up will appear.
create appoinment
Enter Provider Availability Information

In that popup, you have to enter the details of your availability for the day, daily or you can set a recurring availability for up to 1 year. The details to be given are:

  • Select the facility
  • Category (In Office, out of office, lunch, break, counseling & miscellaneous)
  • Date & “From Time - To Time”
  • Set whether this availability should be repeated daily or not, with other custom options.
  • Then Click Save.

Provider Availability has been set. Now, you can schedule appointments within the “From time - To time” Duration.

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